View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultLot#Lot NameAuctionNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsCATEGORY Filter By Categories Account Auction: Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Auction Items Live auctions Hybrid auctions Timed auctions Auctions Buy now Best offer Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-6 of 6. Previous|1|Next Image Lot # Item Title Time Left Your Bids 1005 2006 Snorkel TB60RT 4WD Boom-type Manlift, s/n 56819: Diesel, 60' Max Hgt., 500 lb. Cap., 6379 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1007 2006 Genie S60 Boom-type 4WD Manlift, s/n S6006-12944: 60' Platform Hgt., 500 lb. Cap., 7335 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1008 2008 Genie S80 Boom-type 4WD Manlift, s/n S8008-6293: Electrical Issues, 6662 Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1011 1998 JLG 600S Boom-type Manlift, s/n 0300035894: Deutz Diesel, 6686 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1016 Scissor-type Manlift: 24' Lift, 4x8 Deck w/ Extension, Solid Tires Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1017 Marklift 20NCP Manlift: Needs Batteries Starting Bid$0 Bid now! Items per page 102550100 Previous|1|Next Previous 1 Next