View ▼ Items per page 102550100 Sort by DefaultLot#Lot NameAuctionNewestHighest PriceLowest PriceBidsViewsCATEGORY Filter By Categories Account Auction: Category match ANY of the aboveALL of the above Auction Items Live auctions Hybrid auctions Timed auctions Auctions Buy now Best offer Featured Exclude closed lots Price Lot Number Results: Viewing items 1-8 of 8. Previous|1|Next Image Lot # Item Title Time Left Your Bids 1286 Cat D6R Dozer, s/n ADE00256: Canopy, St. Blade w/ Tilt, 14505 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1287 2008 Cat D6N LGP Dozer, s/n DJY00913: C/A, 6-way Blade, 9080 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1288 2012 Cat D6K LGP Dozer, s/n DHA02292: Encl. Cab, 6-way Blade, 12391 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1292 1991 Cat D3C LGP Dozer, s/n 5CJ00201: 4-post Canopy, 6-way Blade, Pyramid Pads, Right Truck Issue, 9668 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1294 2020 Komatsu D51PXi-24 Dozer, s/n 10834: C/A, 6-way Blade, Intelligent Machine Control, 4203 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1295 Komatsu D39PX-21 Dozer, s/n 1002428: C/A, 6-way Blade, 5635 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1296 John Deere 850J WH Dozer, s/n 174440: C/A, 10' Blade, 24" Tracks, 18926 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! 1298 2013 John Deere 650K XLT Dozer, s/n 1T0650KXVDE239887: Canopy, 6-way Blade, 8696 hrs Starting Bid$0 Bid now! Items per page 102550100 Previous|1|Next Previous 1 Next